How May We Help You?
"Representative government and trial by jury are the heart and lungs of liberty. Without them we have no other fortification against being ridden like horses, fleeced like sheep, worked like cattle, and fed and clothed like swine and hounds." -John Adams
Wages, Labor & Employment
Federal and state wage and hour laws specifically define how an employer must pay an employee. Quite often, however, employers ignore those rules,to the detriment of the employee.
Small Business & Commercial Litigation
If you are forming a business, we can handle your entire process, including : Helping you choose the appropriate business entity, drafting formation documents, issuing stock, working with investors and venture capitalists, arranging and negotiating commercial space and commercial leases, filings with appropriate..
Personal Injury Litigation
A personal injury is described as any harm caused to a person, such as a broken bone, a cut, a bruise, or slander. Any type of bodily injury as a result of an attack, negligence, or accident can also be categorized as the same, and, where appropriate, you can file a lawsuit to..